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Bidens Taka Tuka Perennial

WEB Perennial - A Plant with Many Names

A Versatile Plant with a Variety of Looks

WEB Bidens is a versatile plant that goes by many names. Also known as Beggarticks, Spanish Needles, and Golden Crownbeard, this plant offers a variety of looks, from bushy and feathery to long-blooming and carefree.

Gold Flowers, Dark Foliage, and Orange Blooms

WEB Bidens varieties come in a range of colors and shapes. WEB Bidens offers magnificent gold flowers, while WEB A features dark green feathery foliage and single star-shaped dark orange blooms. WEB A, originally from Mexico, grows to a height of 60cm and boasts long-blooming and carefree qualities.

Bidens Taka Tuka M Red Yellow Center

One extraordinary variety of WEB is Bidens Taka Tuka M Red Yellow Center. This variety features bright orange blooms with a splash of red and yellow in the center. Its unique appearance makes it a standout in any garden.

Whether you prefer the gold flowers of WEB Bidens, the dark foliage and orange blooms of WEB A, or the vibrant colors of Bidens Taka Tuka M Red Yellow Center, there's a WEB variety to suit every taste.
